Tax Forum Self-Study Courses are Now Available!

Tax Forum Self Study Courses

Tax Forum's self-study programs, designed for seasoned tax professionals and up-and-comers alike, are developed to provide flow-through professionals with the perfect combination of conceptual overviews and examples needed to both understand the tax issues being presented and practical solutions for these issues.

Each program covers a critical flow-through tax planning topic:

(Click on the program name to learn more and to register.)

The §465 At-Risk Rules: Important Concepts - 3.0 CPE Credit Hours
The program begins with the at-risk rule basics and how to compute and report a taxpayer's amount at-risk. The program then addresses: (1) the impact of debt guarantees; (2) borrowing from someone who has an interest in an activity other than as a creditor; (3) what is the activity of holding real property for purposes of classifying nonrecourse debt as "qualified nonrecourse debt"; and (4) when activities can be aggregated.
Planning and More Under the S Corporation §1374 Built-In Gain Rules - 3.0 CPE Credit Hours
This program begins with a review of the basics of the §1374 built-in gain rules and how the built-in gains tax potentially applies during the five-year recognition period to the disposition of appreciated assets owned by an S corporation as of the effective date of its conversion from C corporation status. The program then addresses: (1) the limitations on the amount of the built-in gains tax; (2) the importance of the timing of disposition of built-in gain and loss assets; (3) how to minimize or eliminate the built-in gains tax impact of cash-basis accounts receivable owned by the S corporation as of the effective date of its S election; (4) how the built-in gains tax applies to collections of an installment note held by the S corporation as of the effective date of its S status; and (5) how the built-in gains tax applies to assets disposed of by a partnership in which the S corporation owns an interest.
What To Do About a Blown 83(b) Election - 1.5 CPE Credit Hours
This program first describes a couple of approaches that may be taken if unvested corporate stock is provided to a service provider and the service provider fails to make a §83(b) election and discovers the failure after the 30-day due date of failing. The program then switches to the partnership arena and examines (1) the requirements of making a §83(b) election for unvested property received by the partnership service provider; (2) when a discretionary §83(b) election should be considered in connection with the receipt of a partnership profits interest; and (3) what steps may be taken if a §83(b) election was not made for a partnership profits interest and the IRS safe harbor for not making an election is not available.
Serial Redemption in a Personal Service Partnership - 1.5 CPE Credit Hours
This course focuses on the various federal income tax consequences of serial redemption payments made to a retired service partner in a personal service partnership and the choices that the parties have in structuring the tax consequences of those payments.
The Evolving Thought Process on Tax Distributions - 1.5 CPE Credit Hours
This course focuses on the various considerations in structuring an effective partnership tax distribution provision and the different perspectives of partners holding a different “class” of interest may be in negotiating a tax distribution provision.

All of these self-study programs meet the high standards of Tax Forum's multi-day courses, the pre-eminent programs for flow-through tax planning for almost the past four decades.

If you didn't see the program you need, check back soon … we continue to add more self-study programs to our inventory. Got a topic you want covered? Send your suggestions.

You have questions? Let's chat.

Bonus: Similar to our virtual Forum and Fundamentals programs, we are happy to spend a few minutes chatting with you about any question you may have regarding the self-study program you viewed or any flow-through matter. Please email your questions directly to any faculty member.

Tax Planning Forum LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsorts may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website.